Vote With Your Wallet Today?
I couldn’t keep this Inc. online article written by Leonard Kim to myself. 4 Unique Ways Women Entrepreneurs Are Helping Each Other Succeed, this article outlines some great beginning steps for women to step up their business game. I’m always asking, “What practical things can we do to create positive impact for women in business?” I think voting and buying decisions have a lot in common.
How do you vote every day?
I would like to add my personal favorite tip for business difference making for women. As the election year gears up and we hear all kinds of information from candidates, we begin to form our opinions of who gets our vote. I keep asking myself, how can we tell what a candidate really stands for and supports? The answer that comes to mind is follow the money. We vote every day with our wallets. We choose our favorite place to eat, our favorite entertainment, our service providers, on and on we go making choices with our spending. Lots of people say they support women in business, but do they?
What does your wallet say?
I make a concerted effort to support and seek out women owned businesses and sales representatives when I’m making my buying decisions. Your spending does make a difference. I would like to challenge all women to think when they pull out their wallets. Your spending, your buying decisions all impact someone’s life. You vote, you endorse, you can change a woman’s life by how you spend your money.
Being a woman business owner makes you keenly aware of the difference a dollar makes in your own business. As my grandmother said one dollar bills can add up to thousands if they are pooled together. Hope I’ve raised your voting and spending awareness. I would love to hear how you’re supporting women in business.