Joy! Have you experienced it lately?
Wow! I can’t stop replaying scenes from the movie Joy in my head. This movie has made it to my top movie list of a lifetime. Every female entrepreneur needs to see this movie. What an encouragement for women to keep pushing for their dreams no matter who or what life brings them.
Have to give photo credit to:
When I left the movie I felt like Rockie running up the stairs at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. I wanted to buy a Miracle Mop and meet Joy Mangano. I kept saying in my head I’ve felt that. I’ve overcome that. I figured out how to get through and overcome. Innovation is my friend. I love change, the something new, putting a positive twist on something that’s challenging and conquering what people didn’t think I could overcome. I must share my story of vivaciousness so others can change their lives, too! You don’t have to stay in a rut! Keep going for it. Everyone needs a rally cry.
Every entrepreneur, small business owner, start-up knows they are stepping out to do things differently. We are a twisted sort-of lot. We believe in the possible and work toward overcoming the impossible. It’s a calculated experience because we’ve planned to take action, not sit back and wait for life to come to us. We may have been betrayed by people, belittled for what we think is our great idea, told that something wasn’t a good idea. We kept going.
Surprise! We just keep working. We keep doing what we think works or what people are willing to buy. This life, the entrepreneur’s life, is about working until you make progress. It’s about perpetual, practical problem solving. It’s about looking at things differently. It’s about not accepting the status quo. Like Joy Mangano, we see more than a mop in our future. We ask the questions, why not make it this way or do it that way? We look at the positive side of something or the negative side of it, like the Rubin Vase. We are the ones that figure out it’s “something” that will hold flowers or create a paper cut out of someone’s silhouette. We have to bust apart a pain point until it doesn’t hurt anymore and it’s earning dollars for us. Yes, this is us. As T.E. Lawrence said, “All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible.”
#Leanin #KeepGoing