Thought About Linkedin and Other Crazy Ideas.
It’s been an exciting two weeks. Linkedin the big Picture has been shared with my fans of The Concierge Office Suites during our May 21, 2014, Idea Factory, a Jelly! Chattanooga event; one of my master mind attendees during a one-on-one coaching session; and a local gathering of entrepreneurs that meet once a month in Chattanooga, TN!
This is pretty exciting for me. I’ve been sharing the value of social media for years at public speaking events around Chattanooga and with social media posts. The value of social media is finally catching on with business people here in Chattanooga, TN. I’ll never forget talking with a U.T.C. business professor in 2009 that said they just couldn’t prove there was a return on investment for social media. Should have introduced him to a marketing professor, HA! 4.2 BILLION users later, I think social media has caught on with Linkedin and every other social media outlet around the big WWW (don’t mean World Wide Wrestling federation for my southern fans).
I hope this will be the first of many personal insights about business and social media. I plan to speak frankly about my experiences, as this blog is just me – not a business or association I represent. Watch out #CHA. My plan is to shake things up with my grassroots business experience. I’m thrilled to blog about “just me.” I’ll be adding pages to my personal website,, and sharing some of the cool things I’ve learned. Hope my readers can learn some nuggets of practical business wisdom. Theory just drives me nuts! I want to learn something and implement it. Talk and write all you want. If the idea can’t be used by the small business person, solo-preneur, or commissioned sales person it won’t get off the ground and make money. There’s saying that floats around my small business friends, “You eat what you kill.” Let’s go hunting for business!